Friday, April 2, 2010

bored, bored, and lacking inspiration.

So....guess what happened yesterday?

Nah, only kidding. But y'know what? I wish, sometimes, I could be a flying squirrel, so I wouldn't have to worry about all the shizzle goin' on, below the treetops. Squirrel drama is probably all "GIMME MY NUTS BACK, FOOL!". Which is so much easier.

oh, so back to yesterday. after i finished posting my daily update(s) to the blog, i went to check and see if there was any updates on some of my ladies' blogs, and guess what i found?

nothing. no, this isn't a late april fool's joke. i'm just so exhausted, and wanted toget an update up today, so i pulled it together and made this. help, help, i need inspiration.

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